Our Fundraiser Starts Today!
It’s pizza time! Starting today and for the next 4 weeks, we’re selling Little Caesars Pizza Kits and Meal Deal Codes to raise money for KOVH Foundation. Add custom message to display to supporterHelp us support veteran families in need!
🏠✨ The KOVH Foundation (Keep Our Vets Housed) is dedicated to raising awareness and providing support to veteran families facing or recovering fs of the fundraiser here!. To reach our goal, we need everyone’s help. It’s easy to join the fun! To get started: Follow this link with your phone https://fundraising.littlecaesars.com/login/join-fundraiser/0f6daed8-b8d2-4038-ac07-945467348b68 to create an account and set up your very own Seller page. (Please do not forward or post this link. It is NOT for buying Kits.)
Customize your page with a photo, a special message, and video. You’ll get your own unique link to send to your friends & family so they can buy delicious Pizza Kits or Meal Deals and support our fundraiser.Pizza Kits will be delivered directly to your buyers via FedEx, so send your link to family & friends across the country. Meal Deal Codes are sent via email immediately after purchase.
Post your unique link on your social media pages to reach even more people. Every item we sell earns $6 profit and makes an impact. Don’t forget to buy your own!
If you have any questions about our fundraiser, contact kovhfoundation@gmail.com
If you need technical help with the fundraiser, contact our support team at Little Caesars Fundraising at M-F 8:30am-6:00pm ET at 888-4LC-KITS.